Life Without Hands

The Better We Think The Better We Are.

One can never Imagine a life without hands but God will take special care of their unique souls.Many people with such disabilities are totally helpless and no one take step for their care.I think god have a reason for making some people with or without hands. Everyone in life dreams to achieve something big but without hands its create a inspiration in individual to find something unique in themselves. Such peoples in Life making efforts  to overcome their disabilities of without hands and make themselves so capable of doing work even person with hands normally inspires from them.Normally a question arrives in mind why god just choose me for this ? Is he is doing right ? Should I had done something bad in previous birth ? All these Questions comes frequently and weird our mind.This all
thinking at leads to depression.Some things they are burden on their families.But the love of the family to that person on one can decide everyone will take care of the person. Everyone showing the person a ray of hope to be courageous in life and come out from hopelessness.Thanks God for what everyone have in their life.No one is weak and stronger its the mindset of the individual to be come out stronger from the situation they are lying in or remains in that state.Miracles can happens in every moment.There is famous quotes : The person who tries in life never Defeat. Defeat always gives a lesson to come better stronger as compared to previous one. Everyone be make trust with the god he always have a better plan for ones life.

                     May Also Read My Next Article : Live To Inspire


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